Branding Guide
While Industrial Water Week is an open-source celebration, there are some basic guidelines that are recommended for branding. It is recommended you follow them so the look and theme across the world is uniform.
Industrial Water Week Blue
RGB: 0, 189, 255
Hex: #00bdff
Pretreatment Monday Green
RGB: 0, 176, 80
Hex: #00b050
Boiler Tuesday Red
RGB: 192, 0, 0
Hex: #c00000
Cooling Wednesday Blue
RGB: 46, 117, 182
Hex: #2e75b6
Wastewater Thursday Amber
RGB: 191, 144, 0
Hex: BF9000
Careers Friday Gray
RGB: 127, 127, 127
Hex: #7F7F7F
Angle: 104.5 degrees (rounded to 105 if necessary)
If a line is drawn from the middle of each hydrogen atom (smaller circles) to the center of the oxygen atom (larger circle), the angle would be 104.5 degrees.
Right Hydrogen Atom: Horizontal
The line from the center of the oxygen atom (larger circle) to the right hydrogen atom (smaller circle) is perfectly horizontal.
Size Ratio: 2.23 to 1
The oxygen atom (bigger circle) has a diameter that is 2.23 times bigger than the diameter of the hydrogen atoms (smaller circles).
Distance: 1.02 to 1
The distance between the center of the oxygen atom (larger circle) to the center of hydrogen atoms (smaller circles) is 1.02 times bigger than the diameter of the oxygen atom.